Updated 6/2021
Northwest Missouri State Fair
August 29th - September 2nd, 2024
Bethany, Missouri
7:30-9:00AM Goat Arrival and Registration
10:00AM Goat Show​
3:00-8:00PM Swine Registration and Weigh-In/Beef Registration
2:00-4:00PM Rabbit Check-In​
4:00PM Rabbit Showmanship
5:00-8:00PM Sheep Registration​
6:00PM Rabbit Show
​8:00AM Sheep Weigh-In
8:15AM Exhibitor Meeting
8:30AM Swine Show
8:00-10:00AM Poultry Check-In and Registration/Beef Registration
12:00PM Poultry Show
​1:00PM Sheep Show
2:00PM Beef Weigh-In
3:00PM Super Farmer Contest sponsored by Harrison County Farm Bureau
10:00AM Beef Show
5:00PM Premium Sale
Show Schedule
Pee-Wee Show
Breeding Animals
Market Animals
For more information or rules & regulations for one of the shows, please find the appropriate link on the left side.
*Entries in all sections open to any Missouri and Iowa boy and girl who is properly supervised and enrolled in FFA or 4-H Club work, as specified in Department Regulations.
*Plan of Awarding Premiums
It is the desire or the State Department of Agriculture to establish a uniform system of awarding prizes to all junior fairs and shows. Animals will be placed in gold, silver and bronze ribbon groups. Unworthy animals will not be placed. The point value of premiums will be as follows:
The maximum value per point on all above classes is 60 cents. In case the number of exhibits prevents payment on the maximum value, the value per point will be determined by dividing total money by the total points in all exhibits. The first and second animals in each market class will be shown for championship and reserve judging.
Junior Exhibitors Show
Pens and stalls will be assigned.
All animals entered for premiums in this department shall be housed and exhibited as designated by the Bethany Fair, Inc.
Every precaution will be taken to protect exhibits, but neither the Bethany Fair, Inc., 4-H Clubs, or FFA Chapters will be responsible for any losses or damages to exhibits.
Championship competition does not require entry.
4-H and FFA livestock will be shown together.
All feed and bedding must be furnished by the exhibitor at his expense.
All stalls must be kept clean and refuse disposed of as directed. Any stall or pen left unattended or unclean, the exhibitor will be asked to remove the livestock for the remainder of the show.
Exhibitors should accompany their animals to the show and care for them. Exhibitor must present animal before the judge unless pre-approved by the superintendent. Exhibitor shirts & jeans are required any time the exhibitor is in the show ring with their animal.
Only registered animals will be allowed to show in the purebred breeding classes, with the exception of Goats and Rabbits. Registration papers must be furnished.
In order to have proper release papers, all pens must pass inspection by department superintendent. Any stall not passing inspection will result in loss of premium money.
Please read individual regulations under each Department.
Any animal removed from premises without a release from the superintendent will result in an automatic forfeiture of all show premium money. (Also forfeiture of any Harrison County Commissioners money.)
Each exhibitor will be limited to two entries in each class including market; ex. Either two purchased or two home raised or one of each in the poultry, goat & beef show. Rabbit exhibitors will be limited to two entries in each class per variety.
Showmanship will be at the end of each respective species show. Classes will be divided by age as follows: 15 & up Senior; 12, 13 & 14 Intermediate; 8, 9, 10 & 11 Junior. Bucket Calf exhibitors and Pee Wee sheep and swine exhibitors are not eligible. No Boars or Bulls eligible for showmanship.
Definition of Home Raised Animal: Birthing mother of animal exhibited must be family owned and offspring exhibited must be born on the Parents or Grandparents farm.
To assist someone in the showring, you must be an exhibitor and you must have a show shirt on.
Out of state 4-H must go by MO 4-H Guidelines. This applies to all exhibitors.
We are using the age of the 4-H year.
All animals entered must be owned by exhibitor and been fed and cared for and developed as their 4-H project.
In case of purebreds, registration or transfer papers must be furnished. Transfers must be made prior to June 1 of the current year. In case of grade animals and in case of partnership registration, the exhibitor must furnish a statement signed by the youth specialist attesting the ownership and to the fact the animals represent a bonafide 4-H project.
Entries in the 4-H are limited to members who have passed their 8th birthday and have not passed their 19th birthday before Jan. 1st of the current year.
Open only to Missouri and Ringgold and Decatur County, Iowa students enrolled in one of the following types of supervised farming programs during the current school year.
Regularly enrolled students in vocational agriculture classes in high school.
Active members of an FFA Chapter, can show up to the fourth FFA National Convention after graduation
Junior Project workers enrolled in the seventh or eighth grades who were reported on the preliminary supervised farming report for the current year.
All animals entered in the FFA classes are required to be the bonafide property of the exhibitor and a part of his regular supervised farming program. The vocational agriculture instructor supervising the members is held responsible for the enforcement of this rule. Instructors must accompany their students to the show and be responsible for their conduct while there. No premium money will be paid to members who must be reprimanded by the fair board for non-conformance of rules.
PREMIUM SALE ONLY ( Junior Livestock Sale )
Buyers please make arrangements to pay day of sale!
Sunday, September 1st @ 5:00 PM
Premium Sale is recommended for exhibitors who have not sold in another fair sale this year
Sale open to Market Animals and Breeding Animals. Limited to 1 animal per exhibitor.
Any beef, swine or sheep to be sold has to be shown at the Bethany Fair, Inc. to be eligible.
Any 4-H or FFA member who wants to enter their animal in the sale are required to make entries at time of registration.
Exhibitors must be present. All steers checked for age.
The Junior Livestock Sale will be a premium sale only. All exhibitors will still own their animals. The buyers will pay premium only. If exhibitors want to sell their animals, they may sign up to do this at entry time for sale. If the purchaser wants the animal, he may buy them and pay them exhibitors direct.
Each owner will be responsible for their animal until turned over to the buyer.
Checks will be sent out as soon as arrangements are completed with all buyers.
All Exhibitors must bring their own buyer for support. Local merchants will support local exhibitors first.
Animals will sell by the head.
Entry for Premium Sale will be during animal registrations.