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Car Races

Updated 6/2024

Sunday and Monday
7:00 Hot Laps - Races to follow

Sunday Races         Monday Races
 $20 per person - 10 & under are free             $15 per person - 10 & under are free    
Stock Cars                            B Mods
B Mods                                 E Mods
Late Model                            Pure Stock     

Pits - $35 per person

For questions regarding the car races, please contact Jon Boller Jr at 816-752-3645

The drivers and/or owners of race cars are responsible for the conduct of themselves, pit crews, family, and fans while on premises. Fines and suspensions could result for misconduct. Misconduct could mean, but not restricted to, fighting, profane language, getting out of car on racetrack, consuming alcohol or illegal drugs prior to or during racing programs. Punishable by up to a $500 fine.

The rules and/or regulations are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and in no way guarantees against injury or death to participants, spectators, or others. Every driver should inspect the racing surface to learn of any defects or obstructions, or anything, which in his or her opinion is unsafe. Drivers should then report such findings to track officials or management and declare if they will race or not. If the driver elects to race, this indicates that the driver assumes these risks with awareness and knowledge.

Driver will be the only spokesperson for the car. Anyone other than the driver will result in disqualification.

No one will be allowed in scorer's booth without permission. Any questions about finishes need to be asked at the end of the evenings races. Scorekeepers are not flagmen. They make no calls about positions. They simply score you where they saw you finish. During a yellow when multiple cars leave the track, you are scored in the position you were in on the last completed green lap.

Bethany Fair, Inc. assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of your equipment, vehicles, or parts while on the premises. Management has the right to add, change, cancel, or modify any class of cars or general rules.

Heat race starting position will be determined by draw.

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